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Review of Debate Season

Howler, 1929

INTERCOLLEGIATE debating at Wake Forest College is managed and supported entirely by the two literary societies. The Intercollegiate Debate Council is the organ of the societies in determining both the Varsity and Freshman schedules, and the number of men that shall compose the two debate squads. The Society Day debaters automatically become intercollegiate debaters, while the rest of the debating squad are chosen by tryouts. an equal number of men being chosen from each society.

The Varsity debating squad for the current year consisted of twelve men and two alternates. The men chosen from the Euzelian Society were: R. Paul Caudill, and Wade Brown, Society Day Debaters: Joe Carlton, R. K. Benfield, H. C. Carroll, Max Griffin, and W. L. Warfford as alternate. Those chosen from the Philomathesian Society were: Wade Bostic, and Roy Robinson, Society Day Debaters; J. M. Early, D. H. McClary, Luther Robinson, E. C. Shoe, and M. H. Thompson as alternate.

The question of the current year was the National Phi Kappa Delta question. Resolved. That a substitute for trial by jury should be adopted. The schedule consisted of twenty debates which are as follows: